Vattenfabriken is a small cider factory in Gränna, Sweden that makes apple cider, ginger beer and juniper berry drink. Gränna is a quaint little town, known for its candy canes and historical buildings. The town is located on the shore of Vättern, Sweden's second largest lake and one of the world's largest body of drinkable water.
It is this famous water and apples grown in the lush gardens around town that create Vattenfabriken's beverages.

When I tried the apple cider made in the little cider factory, I was amazed. This drink tasted like I was 9 years old, eating a perfectly ripe apple from my grandma's garden.
That led to a colour scheme with colours from different types of Swedish apples, and playful graphics.

Bottle label for Äppelmust - apple cider

Bottle label for Ginger Beer

Bottle label for Enbärsdricka - juniper berry drink
Vattenfabriken's brand identity uses handmade typography and playful graphics to capture the essence of the drink. Most of the graphics are made with pipes, to play on the word "fabriken" (factory in Swedish). As part of the brand identity, a collection of pipes has been made, to be used in future products or advertisements.

The core of Vattenfabriken's micro-cider-factory is found in every little apple that grows and falls in the gardens of Gränna.
Vattenfabriken's beverages are made by hand, which makes every product unique
Between Vättern and Gränna mountain lies the little slanted town with colourful houses and flourishing fruit.